Pattern Name
REFLECTION (Bergin, Eckstein, Manns, & Wallingford, 2001, p. 8)
Pattern Language
Patterns For Gaining Different Perspectives
Document and reflect learning process
Active Role
The knowledge, skills and competence of the teacher are limited. Student need to gain trust into their own competence in solving problems. Therefore, students discover the problem and find answers for themselves. Teachers support reflection through asking students how they could apply in everyday life what they have learned (Bergin et al., 2001, p. 8).
Example for Technological Support
Students can compare self-perception and received feedback and reflect on it. Teachers could support this process through commenting on student’s artefacts. In other virtual learning environments, online presentation/collection tools like SWAY or PADLET can take up this function.
Bergin, J., Eckstein, J., Manns, M. L., & Wallingford, E. (2001). Patterns for Gaining Different Perspectives. In Proceedings of PLoP 2001 (Vol. 2001). Allerton Park, Illinois. Retrieved from