Pattern Name

BLENDED EVALUATION (Comber, 2014, p. 293)

Pattern Language

Practical Design Patterns for Teaching and Learning with Technology


Checking prior learning, self-evaluation, developing learning strategy

Active Role



Classical grading only provides feedback by a single person, usually the teacher, and typically the quality of information conveyed is rather low. Therefore, a blended evaluation approach can be followed, combining the view of different agents (self, peers, teacher) and using various assessment methods (Comber, 2014, p. 293).

Example for Technological Support

A learning environment, preferably an ePortfolio space, is the ideal place to collect the formative assessment of various assessors – together with the learning artefacts and reflections which are assessed/evaluated.


Comber, O. (2014). Blended Evaluation. In Y. Mor, H. Mellar, S. War, & N. Winters (Eds.), Practical Design Patterns for Teaching and Learning with Technology (pp. 293–300). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Retrieved from