Pattern Name
DIFFERENTIATED FEEDBACK (Eckstein, Bergin, Sharp, & Manns, 2002a, p. 4)
Pattern Language
This pattern is applicable for all phases of the ATS2020 learning model.
Active Role
This pattern was written for teachers.
To respect students as individuals, the teacher tailors the FEEDBACK to the needs of each student (Eckstein, Bergin, Sharp, & Manns, 2002a, p. 4).
Example for Technological Support
Technological support allows multimedia FEEDBACK, e.g. in a video & thus the chance to meet the media preferences of the student as well as to document the feedback.
Eckstein, J., Bergin, J., Sharp, H., & Manns, M. L. (2002a). Feedback Patterns. In Proceedings of EuroPLoP 2002. Konstanz: Universitätsverlag Konstanz. Retrieved from