Pattern Name
LOOK, BUT DO NOT TOUCH (Larson, Trees, & Weaver, 2008, p. 23)
Pattern Language
To read the full pattern, click here: Continuous Feedback Pedagogical Patterns (see p. 23)
This pattern is a meta-pattern. It helps to establish a learning environment, where formative feedback and assessment can emerge.
Active Role
This pattern was written for teachers. In this pattern, “active role” might be confusing: This pattern is helpful for teachers in supporting the students to be more active.
The INVISIBLE TEACHER created a TRUSTED SPACE in class. When students are facing difficulties on their learning pathway, teachers give advice and offer guidance instead of solving the problem for the student (Larson et al., 2008, p. 23). This supports the student to be more active in class (see also ACTIVE STUDENT).
Example for Technological Support
FAQs could support this pattern. Further automatized guiding tools (like chat-bots) could be helpful, but such an infrastructure goes beyond the resources of most schools and teachers. Learning analytics can be used as a scaffolding tool for guidance on the learning path.
Larson, K. A., Trees, F. P., & Weaver, D. S. (2008). Continuous Feedback Pedagogical Patterns. In PLoP’08 Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs. New York, NY, USA: ACM. Retrieved from