Pattern Name
STUDENT ONLINE PORTFOLIOS (Eckstein, Bergin, Sharp, & Manns, 2002a, p. 11) – better known also as “ePortfolio”.
Pattern Language
This pattern is applicable for all phases of the ATS2020 learning model.
Active Role
This pattern was originally written for teachers to help students, but it could also be used by students directly if the pattern was adapted accordingly.
The INVISIBLE TEACHER wants to give students the possibility to receive feedback to their artefacts/performance from a wider audience (peers, relatives, etc). Therefore, the teacher provides the means for students to publish their work in an ePortfolio (Eckstein, Bergin, Sharp, & Manns, 2002a, p. 11). This pattern is based on ACTIVE STUDENTs, who are acting in a TRUSTED SPACE, where teachers LOOK, BUT DO NOT TOUCH.
Example for Technological Support
There are many online platforms for student ePortfolios. In ATS2020, the ePortfolio-platform Mahara as well as One-Note Class Notebook are/were used in class.
Eckstein, J., Bergin, J., Sharp, H., & Manns, M. L. (2002a). Feedback Patterns. In Proceedings of EuroPLoP 2002. Konstanz: Universitätsverlag Konstanz. Retrieved from