Pattern Name
THIS IS FEEDBACK (Warburton et al., 2016, p. 8)
Pattern Language
Dialogical Assessment Patterns for Learning from Others
This pattern is applicable for all phases of the ATS2020 learning model.
Active Role
This pattern was originally written for teachers to help students, but it could also be used by students directly if the pattern was adapted accordingly.
Students might not always recognize when FEEDBACK is given to them, therefore feedback processes are signposted (Warburton et al., 2016, p. 8f.).
Example for Technological Support
FEEDBACK could be signposted with (animated) gifs to make them stand out. Furthermore, students can be asked to keep an e-collection of feedbacks and of their reaction on them to create awareness.
Warburton, S., Bergin, J., Kohls, C., Köppe, C., & Mor, Y. (2016). Dialogical Assessment Patterns for Learning from Others. Presented at the Proceedings of VikingPLoP – 10th Northern Conference on Pattern Lanaguages of Programmes. Retrieved from